Tag Archives: Blue-eyed soul

#496 – Boz Scaggs, ‘Boz Scaggs’

Boz Scaggs (album)
Boz Scaggs (album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: 1969
Label: Atlantic
Genre: Rock, blue-eyed soul
Producer: Jann Wenner

And I suppose this was always going to happen… Another album that I don’t like, which makes it 2 in a row (but you can’t like everything).

Again, of course, objectively I can tell this is good music, but I just don’t like it. If I was being brutally honest I’d say I find this album boring, or maybe I just didn’t see the point, and I guess I just didn’t connect with it. It’s certainly fine background music and I’d be pleased to have it on in the background at a bar on a Sunday afternoon, but that’s about as far as I’ll go singing it’s praises.

Top track: N/A – maybe a bit harsh, but I can’t pick anything out.

This week: It was Christmas this week so Merry Christmas! We had a terrific Christmas Day in Melbourne with friends and then enjoyed the Boxing Day cricket test, before heading over to Perth the morning after where we picked up our camper van Whitey for our epic road trip. Margaret River was beautiful as ever, though it’s stinking hot, and Sam and Leah’s wedding was gorgeous. So a big Congratulations to them. Margaret River to Albany (which is better than I remember from so many years ago) and now in Esperance for New Years Eve. And that, I guess, was 2012!!

Next: a small detour… 2012 in review and a couple of albums that have been on high rotation this year.