Tag Archives: blues

#491 – Albert King, ‘Born Under a Bad Sign’

Born Under a Bad Sign
Born Under a Bad Sign (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: August 1967
Label: Stax
Genre: Blues
Producer: Jim Stewart

Look, this is OK but it’s just not my cup of tea. By the way, the rule around listening the weeks’ album on my commute to and from work is working well. I know a good album when I choose to listen to it at work, or at home, or find myself learning the lyrics or really listening to the lyrics. Born Under a Bad Sign, maybe blues in general, is background music for me. Nothing offensive, and I don”t dislike it, and perfect for setting a mood, but not a genre I’m drawn to. I think that much is true.

And that, is the first 10 albums done. I’m actually pretty impressed that I’ve made it this far, though I am committed to seeing this out. So far, I’ve listened to some stuff I won’t come back to, but I’ve heard a handful of albums that I’ve really connected with. I’m really glad I’m doing this.

#499 – B.B. King, ‘Live in Cook County Jail’

Live in Cook County Jail
Live in Cook County Jail (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: 1971
Label: MCA
Genre: Blues, soul
Producer: Bill Szymczyk

I’ve never really taken the opportunity to listen to any proper blues or soul music, aside from the pseudo-soul resurgence of the last few years with the likes of Amy Winehouse and so many others, so this was nice to do and was another welcome surprise.

The musical genius on the guitar of this man is impossible to fault. Every song on this album is like liquid silk to listen to – so easy and simple and fluid and smooth. I barely noticed me having started the album that it was over, though that said, it is pretty short.

In case it’s not obvious from the title, this was recorded in a prison in Chicago and you can hear the various cheers and jeers that erupt when B.B. speaks to the ladies or the gents. It’s also pretty funny hearing B.B. in “Worry Worry”, referring to smacking the woman in your life “upside her face” and various other dated and less than PC things. It’s a lot of fun to listen to. But this is blues, and it’s sad and mournful at times (even the joyous tracks), and it grabs you in the guts somewhere, and the guitar playing is just fantastic.

I feel like I’ve been fortunate with this album too. Not that I expect to hate a lot of the albums in this list (they are the “greatest” of all time), but again this was an awesome introduction to soul and blues, and now I’m just looking forward to the next album…

Top track: “Worry, Worry” is terrific. It’s a semi-spoken word, long song where B.B. speaks to the crowd and elicits their responses. Brilliant. The other little diamond is the introductions where the County Sheriff and prison Director are introduced. You can imagine the prisoners response….

This week: Nothing much to report. I’ve finally started the photography course that I’ve been intending to start since I moved to Melbourne over 4 years ago, so that’s something. Really it’s all pre-Christmas drinks and catch-ups, and looking forward to the Nullabor trip Andy and I will take over New Years. Work is fine. I need to get to the gym more.

Moving right along…