Tag Archives: Bonnie Raitt

#450 – Jackson Browne, ‘For Everyman’

For Everyman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For Everyman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: October, 1973
Label: Asylum
Genre: Rock
Producer: Jackson Browne

OK so here we are: 50 albums down – 1 per week makes for 50 weeks, so at about 75 weeks since I started I don’t think it’s tracking that badly. But whatever, just getting through it isn’t really the point I guess. For Everyman is pretty great – a good light and shade. Vocally Browne is really solid, and lyrically I think there’s a lot to like and lot to unpick. It surprised me to hear The Eagles’ “Take it Easy” on here, which Browne himself wrote. It surprised me more to learn that Bonnie Raitt, Joni Mitchell, Don Henley, David Crosby and Elton John (as Rockaday Johnnie) all appeared. 

There’s a nifty cross-fade between tracks 1 and 2 and then 9 and the final track. I love effects like this, and it reminds me of the effect on Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs between “Halflight I” and “Halflight II (No Celebration)” – so good.

Top tracks: The titular “For Everyman”.


#495 – Bonnie Raitt, ‘Give It Up’

Give It Up (Bonnie Raitt album)
Give It Up (Bonnie Raitt album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: September 1972
Label: Warner Bros.
Genre: Rock
Producer: Michael Cuscuna

There’s something fitting about listening to this album as we drive around WA – from Esperance up to Kalgoorlie, and then back down to Norseman and across to South Australia – what with its country and folk rock sound playing as we pass red dirt, gnarled trees and sun-bleached and scorched earth. I enjoyed this album as much as I thought I would. It’s good country and rock music with obvious jazz and blues elements, and a lot better than just your average run of the mill radio C&W.

In my mind the best part of this is Bonnie Raitt’s voice itself, so full and rounded, and sounding just as rock as country – like she could step straight in and cover for Chrissy Amphlett or Chrissie Hynde. Raitt has a gorgeous voice that centres this music and gives it a real kick. Not a brilliant album for me, but really good music that is made great because of that voice. And perfect for this drive…

Top track: “Too Long at the Fair”