Tag Archives: Glam Rock

#454 – Alice Cooper, ‘Love It to Death’

Love It to Death (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Love It to Death (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: 21 February, 1971
Label: Straight, Warner Bros.
Genre: Hard rock, heavy metal, glam rock
Producer: Jack Richardson, Bob Ezrin

Ha HA! Now THIS was unexpected!! (I wonder when I’ll stop saying that..). But like Def Leppard and Kiss beforehand, I was expected this to be a real drag – I’m just not a metal head. But, like before, my impression of metal, or at least this radio-friendly glam style metal, isn’t the reality. This is awesome music : it’s fun, it’s really funny, it probably was shocking at a point in time and it’s there where it’s nostalgic charm lies. Some lyrics are so over the top you can’t help but smile and think about all the moms in the 1970’s, clutching their tea-towels and looking worryingly at their kids’ rooms as this demon music played.

Top tracks: Definitely “The Ballad of Dwight Fry”. Absolutely ghoulish.

#484 – Mott The Hoople, ‘All The Young Dudes’

All the Young Dudes
All the Young Dudes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: September 8, 1972
Label: Columbia (US), CBS (UK)
Genre: Glam rock
Producer: David Bowie

This was an interesting album… this is glam rock and so maybe I don’t quite get what glam rock is just yet. I guess I was expecting something more like the modern way-over-the-top reimagining of glam like from something like The Darkness, but what I got was more like folk-rock. Not that that’s a bad thing, and I picked up some glitter in here (especially the title track). In all, I liked this music. Pretty non-offensive and pretty, well, pretty, I suppose.

David Bowie produced this album and wrote the title track. I’m looking forward to getting to Bowie soon.

Top track: “All The Young Dudes” – in my mind, the most glam of them all, and reminded me a little of KISS.

This week: Another short working week on the other side of Easter, but fuck, the short weeks seem the longest! One of my best and oldest friends and his wife had their first child, a beautiful baby girl (the first of my closest friends to have kids)… and I started a beginner’s hip-hop dance class. Word.

Also I think I want to start listening to The National and their back catalogue.