Tag Archives: Indietronica

#494 – MGMT, ‘Oracular Spectacular’

Oracular Spectacular
Oracular Spectacular (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: October 2, 2007 (digital)
January 22, 2008 (CD, LP)
Label: Columbia, RED Ink
Genre: Indie pop, neo-psychedelia, indietronica
Producer: Dave Fridmann

We started listening to this driving out of Smokey Bay in South Australia, coming into the last days of our big road trip. I’ll be honest and admit I’ve caught myself regretting this trip. Not that it’s been bad, I get the feeling I’ll be wishing for this same feeling of freedom and possibility soon enough, but objectively it just hasn’t seemed like much of a holiday. We’ve seen a lot sure, but all we’ve really done is drive. I get 20 days’ leave a year, and I’m spending most of it driving. Somehow though, I know I’ll look on this trip with a lot of fondness. People do talk too much, people do too much. There’s a simplicity to all this and I’ll smile when I remember it.

Now, I LIKE this album, second only to The Stone Roses out of the countdown so far. Of course I know a few of these tracks from Triple J, and this style is right up my alley. This is sort of what I like to call smart pop: good tunes, lots to it if you want to listen close, but fun to listen to, you can dance to it, and super-well produced. Young people making really good, modern music, and it makes me feel good. Ladyhawke and Cut Copy make me feel the same.

Anyone who complains about “the youth of today”, or Gen Y, or whatever other baseless moaning about their own shortcomings directed at young people the Boomers partake in, need only listen to this to see what being young and talented and bright-eyed and fun is all about. Better yet, fuck off and then listen to it.

Top track: “Time to Pretend” – such a great hook, such a great tune! Try listening to these lyrics as you drive a desert thinking about the future and see how you feel. And then do it, because there’s no time to lose.

This is our decision, to live fast and die young.
We’ve got the vision, now let’s have some fun.
Yeah, it’s overwhelming, but what else can we do.
Get jobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute.

This week: I will remember this holiday as a great one. Driving is cathartic in a way. We saw Australia (we conquered Australia!), we drove over 5,000 kms, we avoided any breakdowns, arguments or freakouts, we re-calibrated  and we shut some doors and opened some others. This year is going to be good, we just need to get it started. And as I head back to work, I’ll remember what really matters.