Tag Archives: Stone Roses

#498 – The Stone Roses, ‘The Stone Roses’

The Stone Roses (album)
The Stone Roses (album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Released: April/May 1989
Label: Silvertone 
Genre: Madchester
Producer: John Leckie

Now things are getting a little silly. After really liking the first album (#500) and liking #499, I get to The Stone Roses’ The Stone Roses… and it’s freakin’ awesome. This is exactly the kind of music that I was really wanting to get to hear in going through this list. The sound of this album really agrees with me, like I’ve heard it many times over. But there’s still something new about it, like I’m hearing it for the first time. The Stone Roses were pioneers of the Madchester music style, and you can hear the sound of a thousand bands from the 90s through today in this music.

It’s a grand, full, assured sound, packed with promise and youth and feeling and it’s just oh, so british. I absolutely love this album. One that I’ll be coming back to.

Top track: Don’t go past “Waterfall”: it’s a gorgeous track, layered and confident. For me, this is one of those soundtrack songs for some scene in your life – leaving a bar, walking through the city, in the half-light as the sun starts coming up, new day, new phase.

This week: As we race towards Christmas I just can’t wait for a holiday. I’m appreciating how much practice it’ll take for me to write creatively again for this blog. I’ve gotten so used to writing emails or formal letters. But I’ll get better…

Anyway, moving on…